
Lot of Electronics and Software took space in the common man day-to-day and made him smarter (Fun + Simple). But still the home is not smart for him. The upcoming society is IoT, Smart City, Smart Grid.

he Electric switch board is the basic requirement of the house and power is the essential commodity for common man and society. There begins Smart Home travel from intelligent Smart Switch Board (SSB). The intelligent Smart Switch Boards will be brought into network and hooking them to the cloud enables IoT. Then safety, security sensors will be added into this network. Finally, a management system that can monitor, control and provide analytics brings a complete Home and Community management system.

3D IOT Solutions

IOT Solutions
Our 3D based Air Quality Indexing Solution will access and host emissions data, manipulate it and produce modelled emissions with suitable spatial scales for National to Urban outdoor air quality 3D modelling and analysis.
3D based solution for Air Quality Indexing
Predict future changes in sources, emissions and atmospheric processes
Predict exposure and health impacts of vulnerable groups
Catalyze innovation in technology, business models and policy best practices

Smart Grid Advantages

Smart Grid
More efficient transmission of electricity
Quicker restoration of electricity after power disturbances
Reduced operations and management costs for utilities, and ultimately lower power costs for consumers
Reduced peak demand, which will also help lower electricity rates
Increased integration of large-scale renewable energy systems
Better integration of customer-owner power generation systems, including renewable energy systems
Improved security

Home Infrastructure Requirements

One of the primary requirements of the smart grid is the appliances / devices in the home shall able to exchange data with power distribution agency servers and operate as per their advice.

There shall be a network in the home to which all the appliances / devices in the home hooked.

There shall be getaway in the home access the appliance network from outside network (Internet/Distribution agency servers). Required appliances status and performance shall be monitored.

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Air Quality Monitoring Stations

Environmental pollution monitoring and controlling is very important to protect the natural eco system and key for the human health. Air, water, sound and radiations will impact the health. Monitoring these resources is required. The state of art technology made it possible to design a compact and cost effective system to monitor these resources.

Air quality refers to the air conditions around us. Good air quality refers to the air that is free from pollutants, clear and clean. Poor air quality can affect and have a harmful impact on human health. Not only human but animals and natural resources like, water, plants are also threatened by high concentration of pollution in the air. Smoke, dust and other gaseous pollutants contaminate the air and the air quality is determined by assessing a variety of these pollution indicators.

Data Loggers For Rain Measurements

Water quality monitoring is defined as the sampling and analysis of water constituents and conditions. These may include, Introduced pollutants, such as pesticides, metals, and oil, Constituents found naturally in water that can nevertheless be affected by human sources, such as dissolved oxygen, bacteria, and nutrients. The magnitude of their effects can be influenced by properties such as pH and temperature. For example, temperature influences the quantity of dissolved oxygen that water is able to contain, and pH affects the toxicity of ammonia.

Environmental Radiation Monitoring

The environmental radiation is one more source for human health. Sun radiation, earth radiation, UV radiation, radioactive elements are some of the components.

Industrial Pollution Monitoring

Industries are the main source for pollution. Industrial waste need to be monitored to understand both air and water pollution contribution and regulate.